Effective January 1, 2020 along with the all the changes and additions to the ABRA Rules & Regulations, the addition of Dunalino horses will be accepted for regular registration as shown below in our new Mission Statement and Eligible Colors For Registration.
Mission Statement Its purpose is to collect, record and preserve the pedigrees of Buckskin, Dun, Red Dun, Grulla and Dunalino horses, ponies/miniature horses and mules, as well as those eligible horses of unknown ancestry. ABRA also serves as an information center for its members and the general public on matters pertaining to shows and projects designed to improve the association and aid the industry, for its breeders and all equine owners. ABRA also works to promote equine ownership and to grow markets for ABRA. Shows and performance events give breeders and exhibitors opportunities to compete for awards and prize money, providing opportunities for breeders to continually strive to improve the breed.
A. ELIGIBLE COLORS FOR REGISTRATION Section 1. There are many variations in the colors and for this reason we insist on eight good colored pictures of each animal to determine eligibility. Many times these equines will be found to have a fringe of cream, dun or grulla color hairs along the edge of the mane and at the base of the tail. No equine that exhibits Gray or Roan characteristics, even though they may possess dun factor markings, is eligible for registration.
a) BUCKSKIN: Body coat some shade of tan, from very light (cream) to very dark (bronze). Points (mane, tail, legs and ear frames) are black or dark brown will never have zebra stripes on the legs.
b) DUN: Body coat some shade of tan, from very light (cream) to a dull or smutty brown (earth tone). Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings may be black or brown. The mane and tail will always be black. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
c) RED DUN: Body coat ranges from pale red to gold or light tan. Mane and tail are any shade of red to cream, even appearing flaxen. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings are red to reddish brown. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
d) GRULLA: (Grew-ya) Body coat slate colored from light blue gray to a mousey shade of gray. Points, dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings are black. The head may appear black or very dark brown. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.
e) DUNALINO: Body coat shades of tan from very light to very dark gold color with white or frosted mane and tail. Points,dorsal stripe, zebra stripes and other dun factor markings may be black or brown. The dorsal stripe must run the entire length of the topline.