ABRA Recreational Riding Program
ABRA would like to recognize and reward our members who ride for recreation; this program provides an excellent opportunity for ABRA to accomplish that goal. The equine industry places a higher value on a well-seasoned, experienced trail horse. This program will allow members to recognize the time and effort spent developing these athletes, thus increasing their value and marketability.
ABRA defines recreational riding as work under saddle done for enjoyment and therefore excludes arena work done solely for show ring competition.
Some examples of recreational riding are;
Recreational Riding
Trail riding
Arena riding (providing it is done for recreation and not show prep)
Lessons (providing your goal for the lesson is to enhance your recreational riding experience)
Clinics (held without the intention of developing the show horse)
Ranch riding (providing it is not intended as preparation to compete)
We encourage ABRA members of all ages, skill levels, riding backgrounds, and registered equines to apply and earn points today!
Time spent riding shall be logged and reported by each ABRA member, and ABRA trusts that member to ensure the integrity of their records based on the honor system.
Achievement and Recognition
For now, the ABRA Recreational Riding Program will not be split into individual age divisions until program participation numbers indicate the need to do so.
Each participant will receive a certificate recognizing their achievements at the end of each program year.
Awards will be earned when each horse/rider combination reaches 200, 300, 400, and 500 hours of ride time.
The ABRA Recreational Riding Program awards will be managed by the RRP committee.
Program Guidelines:
Must be a current ABRA member to participate.
Any ABRA registered horse, pony, or mule may participate.
Any ABRA Buckskin Bred registered equine may participate.
Awards/Recognition will be based on horse/rider combination.
A member may enter more than one horse in the program.
A horse may be entered by more than one member of the program.
Awards/Recognition to be calculated by the total hours ridden from January 1 to December 31 of that same year. Time does not begin to accumulate until the date the RRP application is received in the ABRA office and valid membership and horse registration are verified for the current year.
Each Horse/Rider combination will log riding hours throughout the year that count towards recognition/awards as they accumulate from year to year.
Riding hours begin when the rider mounts and end at the time the rider dismounts.
Riding preparation does not count towards ride time. For example, the following activities do not count towards riding time:
tacking up,
travel to riding site, etc.
Starting January 1, 2023, enrollment into the program will be $10.00 per horse-rider combination.
The leasing of horses is not required for participation. Any equine registered with ABRA in the regular registry or the Buckskin Bred Registry is eligible for enrollment in the RRP.
As with any new program, ABRA recognizes the need for program reevaluation after implementation. ABRA values the membership thoughts and input in developing member-friendly and rewarding programs. Please send any suggestions to the ABRA office for committee review.
How to Participate?
Complete the Trail Riding Program Entry Form - Mail-in or enter online here.
Download the ABRA Trail Riding Log Sheet and start logging your time.
Turn in the log sheet to the ABRA office by January 15th of the following year.