Becoming an ABRA BOD Member
Interested in becoming a Board Member for the ABRA and share your ideas and leadership?
The ABRA, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors, nominated and elected by the membership.
The Board shall consist of eleven (11) Directors elected for three (3) years, alternating terms, by the members and shall include the President last retiring even if his/her three (3) year term has expired.
To qualify as a board member:
Must be an ABRA member in good standing for a least two consecutive years
Must be present for conference calls held on a monthly basis
Attend the annual meeting at the ABRA Convention in Tulsa, OK
To apply for a position on the ABRA Board of Directors, submit your application online to the ABRA office by June 1st. A mandatory biography of 250 words or less is required with your application. This bio is for publication on the ballots and website. No resumes or anything over 250 words will be accepted in the application process.
Please refer to the ABRA rulebook for complete BOD details.