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2019 Board of Directors Election

ABRA BOD Election Graphic


As a member of the AMERICAN BUCKSKIN REGISTRY ASSOCIATION, INC., you have the right and privilege to vote for those who represent you as a whole.

Five (5) candidates have applied who wish to serve on the ABRA BOD. Since there will only be three (3) positions open on the ABRA Board of Directors, you may vote for UP TO THREE (3) candidates or you may list a ‘write-in” candidate. If you choose a write-in candidate, please make sure you have checked with that person, and they are willing to serve on the board.​

Members will receive official ballots in the mail. Return your ballot in the enclosed envelope (only).

Your ballots MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 15, 2019. You are encouraged to vote!​

Please contact the ABRA Office if you have further question.

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