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Lifetime membership is for one (1) person under the Individual Membership status for the life of the member.

If you would like to have a life membership, but want to exhibit in the amateur division, you may obtain a general life membership and upgrade it to amateur status either every one (1), three (3) or five (5) years. 

If you have purchased a general membership but need an amateur card, an upgrade will work for you as well. 

An upgrade can be submitted at a show (an extra fee is charge &  applied to the upgrade cost). The amateur application, completed and signed, is required with the fee. Memberships must be in the exact name in which you intend to register horses.

Lifetime 49 & under (As of January 1 of the current year) = $500

Lifetime 50 to 79 (As of January 1 of the current year) = $300

Lifetime 80 & over (As of January 1 of the current year) = FREE

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